Thai Businesses Side with Expats, Vent Concerns Over Controversial TM30 Form

by admin on August 28, 2019

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Businesses in Thailand have joined arms with expats living in the Kingdom in opposition to the recent and strict enforcement of the TM30 Form, a controversial immigration regulation.

The TM30 Form regulation states that landlords must report when foreigners residing in their home or building visit another province for more than 24 hours.

The TM30 Form requirement dates back to a 1979 immigration law but has rarely been enforced in the past, according to Bangkok company lawyers.

Authorities are now cracking down on TM30 enforcement, which has drawn outrage from the expat community living in Thailand.

The law will affect over 2 million foreign workers residing in Thailand, not to mention the retirees and long-term visitors.

Now, companies operating in Thailand are also airing their grievances, saying the law–and its renewed enforcement–are bad for business.

Businesses, specifically startups, are arguing that the law is dissuading much-needed, highly-skilled workers from staying in the country.

For example, an expat living in Bangkok–or his or her landlord–is required by Thailand immigration law under the TM30 Form to report to immigration for something as small as a weekend trip from Bangkok to Pattaya, which could lead to queuing for hours in line at an immigration office upon both arrival and return.

Owners of property and accommodation that foreigners reside in also are complaining over the TM30 Form.

They state that the law forces them to report all the comings and goings, both small and big, of each of their tenants.

This, they argue, is an unnecessary and costly burden.

Read the full story here.

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