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In September, Thailand’s Ministry of Health passed a new law requiring plain packaging and labeling for cigarette products.

The regulation, implemented under Thailand’s Tobacco Products Control Act, places restrictions and requirements, is the first of its kind in Asia.

The law states that the name of the manufacturer must be labeled clearly on both sides of the package with standard font type, size, and color.

Health warning photos must now also be printed on both sides of the package, covering 85% of the package, and with a different warning picture on each side.

The brand of the cigarette and specific type must also be clearly labeled in a specific font type, size, and color as well as must be printed on at least two sides of the product packaging, but not more than three.

There also must be two warning messages on the cigarette packaging that take up at least three-fifths of each side.

Thailand businesses have until December 8th to comply with the new packaging regulations or they will face a fine of up to 40,000 baht.

Thailand has issued a variety of anti-smoking laws in just the past year, including controversial regulations that prohibit smoking in households if it causes a family member harm as well as bans on smoking in certain public areas.

Read the full story here.

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Thailand’s recently passed amendments to its Labor Protection Act, which lay out specific remedies for employees terminated as a result of automation or other technological advancements.

The changes come as many workers either have been or face being replaced in the future by AI, robotics, machinery, algorithms, and computer programs that can do menial labor at far cheaper and more productive rates.

Firstly, the Labor Protection Act amendments state that employees laid off due to automation must be given advance notice of termination of at least 60 days or 60 days’ worth of wages.

For normal firings not involving automation, only 30 days notice or 30 days’ pay is required.

The business must also notify labor inspectors also 60 days ahead of any terminations due to tech advancements or face a fine of up to 20,000 baht.

Thailand’s labor laws regulate everything from workplace conditions and work hours to maternity leave and social security.

Any companies that lay off workers replaced by technology also must pay special severance payments based on the laid-off employee’s last salary and experience at the company.

For example, an employee who had worked at the company between 120 days and one year would receive 30 days worth of severance pay. An employee with 10 to 20 years of experience would receive 300 days of severance payments.

Read more about the changes to the Labor Protection Act amendments concerning automation here.

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Thailand Has the Worst Pension System Out of 37 Countries – Bloomberg Reports

October 28, 2019

Bloomberg reports that Thailand’s pension system is the worst out of 37 countries examined in the 2019 edition of the Melbourne Mercer Global Pensions Index. Pension plans in the 37 countries were graded on measurements such as savings, employee rights, pension growth, and the overall growth of the economy. Topping the pension rankings were the […]

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Trump Suspends Duty-free Trade Deal with Thailand, Cites Poor Worker Rights

October 28, 2019

The Trump administration has suspended $1.3 billion worth of duty-free trade for certain Thai products. In a letter to Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announcing the decision, Trump said Thailand had not been doing enough to protect worker rights, specifically those laid out in international trade agreements. The suspension […]

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Thai Businesses Side with Expats, Vent Concerns Over Controversial TM30 Form

August 28, 2019

Businesses in Thailand have joined arms with expats living in the Kingdom in opposition to the recent and strict enforcement of the TM30 Form, a controversial immigration regulation. The TM30 Form regulation states that landlords must report when foreigners residing in their home or building visit another province for more than 24 hours. The TM30 Form requirement […]

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US Toughens Financial Requirement for Investor Visas

July 25, 2019

The US State Department recently made it harder for foreigners to secure an investor visa, known as the EB-5 visa. More specifically, the general minimum investment amount required to obtain an EB-5 visa will rise from $1 million to $1.8 million. For foreign investors looking to invest in targeted employment areas (TEAs), areas with high unemployment, the minimum […]

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Environmentalists: New Thai Law Could Lead to Worsening Pollution

July 1, 2019

A new Thai law set to take effect in October creates a legal loophole for companies to import more plastic waste and further pollute the environment, according to activists. The amendments to the 1992 Factory Act states that any factories with under 50 employees and machinery exceeding 50 horsepower will be subject to waste and pollution monitoring […]

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Report: Thailand Still Doesn’t Do Enough to Fight Human Trafficking

June 27, 2019

The 2019 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report found that Thailand still is not making enough efforts to combat human trafficking across its borders. Despite the finding, the US State Department study found that Thailand had improved its overall efforts, even if it wasn’t a sufficient change. For that reason, Thailand maintained its Tier 2 ranking–the same […]

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New Thailand Competition Law Makes Little Difference in Grand Scheme

May 30, 2019

Thailand’s new competition law has had little effect on the country’s dominance by monopolies and oligopolies, indicated by the huge disparity among the rich and poor in the nation. In fact, Thailand’s wealth inequality ranks among the worst in the world with the top 1% controlling 67% of the entire country’s wealth. But the market […]

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Thai Government Announces New Labor Protections

April 29, 2019

Thailand recently announced new labor protections aimed at boosting protections for workers as well as levying increased penalties for employers who fail to protect workers. The amendments to the Labour Protection Act (LPA), passed on December 13, 2018, are expected to come into effect in the very near future. The most important changes relate to better compensation […]

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